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  • How Common Are Design and Manufacturing Defects?

    Although product manufacturers have a duty to ensure the safety of their products, many injuries and hospitalizations occur every year due to defective products. Five to ten percent of all annual personal injury lawsuits are due to harm caused by defective products. Consumers have the right to expect that the products they purchase are safe and[…]

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    DOL’s New Rule to Limit Coal Miner’s Exposure to Silica Dust

    Black lung disease, which occurs when a person inhales coal dust – particularly silica dust – is most common among coal miners. Because of this, it is often considered an occupational disease. Although there is a wealth of information on how dangerous inhalable silica is and documenting the multitude of harm that it causes, allowable[…]

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    Why Is Grant Avenue Dangerous for Drivers?

    Philadelphia has many dangerous roads. A recent study revealed that more than a quarter of the road segments considered among the deadliest in Pennsylvania are located in Philadelphia, this includes Grant Avenue. Grant Avenue is dangerous due to the roadway’s characteristics and poor design. Characteristics that make Grant Avenue. dangerous include: Commerce: Grant Avenue is[…]

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    April: Distracted Driving Awareness Month

    Distracted driving poses a significant threat to public health; each year, approximately 3,000 people lose their lives in car accidents involving distracted drivers. To combat known dangers, the National Safety Council (NSC) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) sponsor Distracted Driving Awareness Month every April. One of the campaign’s primary missions is to share[…]

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    Why are so Many “Never Events” Happening?

    You may not have heard of a “never event” before and chances are, you do not want to. The National Institute of Health or NIH defines “never events” as a subset of patient safety incidents that are both preventable and so serious that they should never occur. Events like these include performing an operation on[…]

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