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  • Are Traumatic Brain Injuries Common in Slip and Fall Accidents?

    Slip and fall accidents are one of the leading causes of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), comprising nearly half of all TBI-related emergency room visits and hospitalizations. A TBI can result in debilitating severe conditions, often causing permanent physical, behavioral, and mental damage requiring lifelong care. Every day, our Philadelphia slip and fall accident lawyers at Galfand Berger[…]

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    March 17th–24th is National Poison Prevention Week

    You may not know it, but household items like cleaning agents, prescription medications and pesticides can be dangerous to your two-legged and four-legged family members alike. Congress created National Poison Prevention Week, an annual, week-long awareness campaign, in 1961 to teach Americans about unintentional poisonings and how to safely store (as well as dispose of)[…]

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    National Patient Safety Awareness Week

    March 10th through 16th marks this year’s annual National Patient Safety Awareness Week, a public health campaign that raises awareness about healthcare safety. Supported by the Center for Patient Safety (CPS) and sponsored by the Institute of Healthcare Improvement, or IHI, this year’s theme is Safer Together. Safety experts at the CPS selected this year’s theme[…]

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    National Ladder Safety Month

    People have ladders in nearly every home and workplace across the country. This March is National Ladder Safety Month, an event that promotes ladder safety and aims to prevent avoidable injuries and deaths. More than 160,000 individuals are injured and thousands more die from ladder-related injuries they sustain each year. Not only are falls from[…]

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    Why You Should Refer Your Personal Injury Case to Galfand Berger

    For over  75 years, Galfand Berger has helped people hurt because of automobile accidents, defective products, unsafe equipment and machinery, workplace and construction accidents, Workers’ Compensation claims, medical malpractice and any other serious personal injuries or accidents. Clients may come to your office with a potential personal injury (PI) case.  If you’re a lawyer, and this is outside your practice[…]

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