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Marisol Cruz

Assistant Director of Administration

Tel: 1-800-222-USWA (8792)

Marisol Cruz has more than 20 years of secretarial and administrative experience at Galfand Berger LLP. She serves as the Assistant Director of Administration for the firm where she works closely with Galfand Berger’s Director of Administration and Partners in handling the firm’s operation and human resource needs.

Marisol first gained administrative experience through special-admission programs at her high school. She was selected and given a unique opportunity through the Electrical Science Academy Program to work in an office environment handling payroll, attendance, and administrative duties. Following that, she was chosen from a group of top-tier students to complete a summer internships at IBM and at PECO in their administration offices where she worked after school.

Since joining Galfand Berger in 1986, Marisol has served as a File Clerk, Mailroom Clerk, Receptionist, and File Administrator, before starting her current role in 2016. Fluent in Spanish, she also plays a crucial role in translating and meeting the needs of the firm’s growing Hispanic client base. Marisol’s many roles at Galfand Berger have laid the foundation for her current position, as each experience has given her a unique and invaluable understanding of the firm’s day-to-day operations.