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  • Can I Sue if I Was Burned by a Defective Product?

    Consumers purchase and use many kinds of products each year. They also have the right to assume the products will work safely and as advertised. Unfortunately, unsafe products frequently find their way to the marketplace and cause harm to innocent workers, individuals, and families. Defective product burn injuries are a serious problem. There is a[…]

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    CPSC Approves Final Consumer Safety Standard to Prevent Furniture Tip-Overs

    The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently voted to adopt mandatory safety standards to protect infants and young children from furniture tip-overs, which all too often culminate in serious injuries and fatalities. Tip-over injuries are typically associated with armoires, dressers, wardrobes, and other clothing storage units. The CPSC is aware of 234 deaths in the[…]

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    CPSC Warns Consumers About the Risk of Child Entrapment in Residential Elevators

    Over this past summer, at least three children were entrapped in residential elevators that were produced by some of the nation’s leading elevator manufacturing companies. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), one of the children sustained fatal injuries. The other two young victims suffered an array of grievous injuries, including fractured vertebrae, skull[…]

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    Medicare Cuts Payments to Worst-Performing Hospitals Nationwide

    Each year the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reduce Medicare payments by 1% over a 12-month period to the worst-performing quartile (or 25%) of hospitals nationwide. These financial penalties are intended to incentivize hospitals to perform better and reduce preventable injuries, infections, and other types of problematic complications that Medicare patients experience. The[…]

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    Tips for Staying Safe on the Road This Winter

    Every winter, snow and ice contribute to increased automobile accident risks due to the unique roadway hazards that they create. According to the Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHA), 70% of Americans live in snowy regions. To help lower crash risks, the American Automobile Association (AAA) is reminding drivers about a few simple steps[…]

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