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  • Talcum Power Can Cause Ovarian Cancer

    Recent litigation has found Johnson & Johnson legally liable for a failure to warn their consumers of the serious danger of talc. Talc, or talcum powder, is a mineral that contains silicon, oxygen, and magnesium. It is used in many popular products, most commonly baby powder, to absorb moisture and inhibit friction to prevent rashes.[…]

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    Monitoring Children and Headphones

    There are many children’s headphones on the market today, but new information shows how dangerous these products may be on children’s hearing.  Parents often opt to purchase headphones specifically slated for maintaining a safe listening volume. Many children’s headphones claim to do just that, therefore protecting kids from listening to music too loudly. The Wirecutter,[…]

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    The Risk Of Drinking On Antidepressants

    Studies have shown that as people age, they become more susceptible to the depressant effects of alcohol. This is because a person’s body chemistry is prone to changes as they reach middle age. Along with these changes, the chances of someone taking medications that could interact negatively with alcohol also increase. Because of these factors,[…]

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    Drug Withdrawal In Infants Rising With Increased Opioid Use

    Researchers at the University of Michigan recently found that over one-quarter of newborns that suffered from drug withdrawal symptoms are born in rural areas. This information was found by compiling data from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Because of the results of the study, researchers have concluded that women in rural areas of[…]

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    Seriousness of Asthma Increases With Ham And Sausage Consumption

    International studies have shown that there is a link between sausage and ham consumption and worsening cases of asthma as well as its accompanying symptoms. The study, which took place in France, spanned seven years and included nearly one thousand people. While previous information appeared to indicate that a higher body mass index (BMI) contributed[…]

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