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  • Philadelphia Products Liability Lawyers Discuss Dry Carpet Powder Recall

    Product Recall: Dry Carpet Powders Contaminated The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (USCPSC) recently reported yet another product recall. This time, several brands of dry carpet cleaner, which contain powders that consumers can use to deodorize their carpets, are reported to have contaminants, such as bacteria. The bacterium that is in the dry carpet cleaners[…]

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    Hospitals Child Birth Safety

    Over 250,000 people lose their lives each year as a result of medical error, making it the third leading cause of death in our country. Only cancer and heart disease claim more lives annually. Obstetrics is an area of medicine that is especially prone to medical error since there are so many variables that come[…]

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    More CPR Training; More Lives Can Be Saved

    Nearly 90% of people who suffer sudden cardiac arrest have serious damage to their heart muscle and brain. Sadly, many of them even die because of the severe, unexpected nature of the event and the lack of training that most people have when it comes to life-saving measures. Sudden cardiac arrest is when a person’s[…]

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    FDA Pulls Many Antibacterial Soaps Off The Market: May Cause More Harm Than Good

    As many people may know, the looming risk of antibiotic resistance has been popping up across the national news in recent months. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just pushed to remove several antibiotic/antimicrobial soaps from the market, saying that they do not actually kill germs and may in fact add to the danger of[…]

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    Children and Adolescents Still Susceptible To Measles

    Many believe that while measles used to be a threat, it no longer is, especially since many children are vaccinated against transmission. New studies and findings have proved that this is not at all the case, and that children and adolescents throughout the United States are still at risk of contracting measles. The foremost protective[…]

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