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  • Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyers Share Halloween Safety Tips

    Halloween is just around the corner, and children around the country will be putting on costumes and trick-or-treating around their neighborhoods. The attorneys and staff at Galfand Berger want everyone to have a safe and fun holiday and remember the following safety tips. Halloween safety starts with the costume. When dressing children up as their[…]

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    Philadelphia Medical Malpractice Lawyers Report on Rehab Hospital Injuries

    Many patients recovering from major surgery, neurological conditions, such as stroke, or long term illness are admitted to rehabilitation centers for extended physical strengthening and conditioning before heading home. Patients most often enter rehabilitation centers after being released from a hospital and considered in stable health. Unfortunately, almost 29 percent of these individuals suffer injuries[…]

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    Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyers Discuss Risk of Carrier and Stroller Injury

    Most parents use some kind of stroller or carrier to keep young children secure while transporting them from one location to another. When a fall or tip-over occurs, however, strollers and carriers can cause injuries ranging from minor scrapes to severe trauma. A recent study published in the journal Academic Pediatrics revealed that from 1990-2010,[…]

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    Philadelphia Medical Malpractice Lawyers: Electronic Health Records

    Electronic health records (EHR) are quickly replacing handwritten medical records in the healthcare industry. The advent of the technology has increased the productivity and efficiency of medical institutions and doctor offices, and has provided quick access to vital patient information. Although problems are common with any new technology, when there are problems with electronic medical[…]

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    Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Report on Recent Worker Healthcare Study

    In June, the Workers’ Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) released the results of its multi-year study examining the outcomes of health care received by injured workers. The WCRI is an independent non-profit research organization based in Cambridge, MA.  The study, entitled Comparing Outcomes for Injured Workers, examined worker data regarding recovery of physical health and functioning,[…]

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