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  • The Negative Effects of Technology on Kids and Teens

    Although parents often allow their younger children to play with iPads to keep them busy or learn new things, the study found that with every additional 30-minutes a child spends on a device, there was nearly a 50% jump in the chance for expressive speech delays. An expressive speech delay is when children do not[…]

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    Are Fidget Spinners Safe?

    Fidget spinners are the new craze and have become extremely popular in a very short period of time. They claim to help kids and adults decrease anxiety and reduce their overall stress. While many may enjoy them, some parents are making sure that people know that fidget spinners can be dangerous and come along with[…]

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    CPSC Finds Children’s Robes in Violation of Flammability Standards

    Kreative Kids, Inc. is complying with the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and recalling several children’s robes that have been found in violation of federal flammability standards. The robes pose a burn hazard to children, so the manufacturer and CPSC are working together to get them off the market before any children are seriously or[…]

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    Bayer Faces Multiple Lawsuits because of Mirena Dangers

    The big pharmaceutical company Bayer is currently facing lawsuits filed across the country by thousands of women for various health allegations. Most of the women claim that Mirena, an intrauterine device (IUD) used for birth control, has serious and dangerous side effects that Bayer intentionally concealed and failed to warn consumers. IUD’s are small, T-shaped[…]

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    Truckers and Passenger Cars: Sharing the Road

    Many motorists will go to great lengths to avoid traveling alongside large trucks, such as avoiding highways or driving at certain times of the day. However, large trucks are inescapable, as big-rigs are responsible for transporting more than 10 billion tons of freight throughout the United States each year, representing $700.4 billion in goods according[…]

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