The world has undergone drastic changes in the past few months because of COVID-19. Many of these changes have to do with how we relate to our new routines, many of which look far different than ever before. There are restrictions in place for many activities as commonplace as grocery shopping, picking up medications, and[…]
The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that approximately 30 people die in drunk-driving crashes every day. Despite the fact that the number drunk-driving crashes has fallen steadily over the past three decades, more than 10,500 people still die in tragic and preventable accidents each year. How Alcohol Impairs Drivers: Blood Alcohol Concentration Alcohol[…]
According to the U.S. Fire Administration, approximately 1,300 people are injured and 345 more die each year in vehicle fires. A typical vehicle fire occurs due to a combination of conditions. A poorly maintained car might not catch fire by itself, but when it gets into an accident, a fire may break out. More than[…]
A United States District Judge has ruled in favor of the reliability of five plaintiffs’ experts and against Johnson & Johnson, despite the company’s claims of “junk science.” Two of the experts previously testified in front of Congress on the safety (or lack thereof) of talcum powder. The judge’s ruling paves the way for the[…]
As of May 1st, Governor Tom Wolf is allowing all Pennsylvania businesses in the construction industry (including those that perform new construction, renovation, and repair) to reopen so long as they comply with certain health and safety guidelines to keep both employees and residents safe. The guidelines will also help limit the spread of the[…]