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  • FDA Warns Heart Device Connected to Deaths and Injuries

    Recently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a serious warning over the use of Abiomed’s left-sided Impella heart pumps, which can perforate the heart and have already been implicated in 49 deaths and more than 100 injuries. Although the FDA is not mandating a product recall, it has put forth what is known as[…]

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    Pennsylvania Workers Sustain Highest Fatality Rate in Almost a Decade

    According to the most recent numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), more Pennsylvania workers died from occupational injuries in 2022 than in the previous nine years. In addition, 126,400 others sustained significant work-related injuries during that same period. The numbers paint a story of the numerous risks that workers face and show how[…]

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    Youth Sports: Preventing Burnout and Injury

    Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) took a close look at the pros and cons associated with participation in youth sports. While there are many physical and mental benefits for kids and teens who participate, data shows that nearly three-quarters withdraw from their activities by 13-years-old. To bolster participation turnout and promote safety, the[…]

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    March 17th–24th is National Poison Prevention Week

    You may not know it, but household items like cleaning agents, prescription medications and pesticides can be dangerous to your two-legged and four-legged family members alike. Congress created National Poison Prevention Week, an annual, week-long awareness campaign, in 1961 to teach Americans about unintentional poisonings and how to safely store (as well as dispose of)[…]

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    Why You Should Refer Your Personal Injury Case to Galfand Berger

    For over  75 years, Galfand Berger has helped people hurt because of automobile accidents, defective products, unsafe equipment and machinery, workplace and construction accidents, Workers’ Compensation claims, medical malpractice and any other serious personal injuries or accidents. Clients may come to your office with a potential personal injury (PI) case.  If you’re a lawyer, and this is outside your practice[…]

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