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  • Railroads May Not Meet Safety Deadlines

    Even though there’s a government deadline requiring commuter railroads to install anti-crash technology (also known as positive train control or PTC), new reports show that as many as two-thirds may fail to meet it by the end of the year. PTC systems stop preventable and fatal crashes from happening, but data shows that I is[…]

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    Workplace Slip, Trips and Falls

    Workplace slips, trips and falls can result in an array of serious injuries, some of which are so disabling that employees are forced to file workers’ compensation claims and to take time off from their jobs to seek out continued medical treatment. More often than not, these injuries are entirely preventable as long as employers[…]

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    The Epidemic of Distracted Driving

    In observation of distracted driving awareness month, we’re writing about this major public health concern again. Although the number of injuries and fatalities related to distracted driving was steadily decreasing before 2007, they have been growing ever since. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 10 people in the United States die every[…]

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    Accidents Involving Defective Airbags

    Airbags are an essential safety feature for all vehicles. In the event of an accident, they can make the difference between life and death. When airbags malfunction during a car accident, the results can be devastating. A recent string of accidents involving defective airbags has the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) worried. The NHTSA[…]

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    Hazards for Restaurant Workers

    Usually when we write about workplace hazards and dangers, it has to do with people employed in industries like construction or manufacturing. Restaurant workers or individuals who work in the restaurant industry are also at risk for workplace injuries and illnesses. Just like any other industry, restaurant employers and chain companies are legally responsible for[…]

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