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  • Temporary and Contract Worker Safety

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has expressed concern that some employers opt to use temporary and contract workers in order to avoid meeting federal safety and health requirements. Not only that, but the administration also reports that temporary and contract employees are at greater risk for being funneled into hazardous jobs, not being[…]

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    Genetic Cause of SIDS?

    A new study published in the medical journal Lancet has found that in some cases of SIDS – or sudden infant death syndrome – there may be genetic reasons behind the unexplained child fatalities. SIDS is one of the leading causes of infant death in the United States. If researchers and doctors are able to[…]

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    Electric Shock Hazards

    According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), between 2015 and 2016 the number of electrical fatalities in the workplace increased by 15%. Data confirms that more than one-half of the fatalities occur in the construction industry and that younger, less experienced workers are between are more likely to be critically injured than older workers.[…]

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    Highway Work Hazards

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that in 2015, more than 96,000 crashes happened in work zones across the country. Construction workers who work on roadways face these dangers on a daily basis and are at risk for serious injury or death. Currently there are many national efforts to make highway work zones[…]

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    Consumer Alert: Medicare Scam

    As part of an upcoming, yearlong process that involves converting every Medicare beneficiary’s identification number to an alphanumeric code, identity thieves and other scammers are on the prowl to take advantage of unsuspecting Medicare recipients. Medicare consumers should be aware that starting April 1st 2018, the federal health insurance company will begin to reissue new[…]

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