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  • Self-Driving Car Fatality

    After the fatal car crash that left pedestrian Elaine Herzberg dead, Arizona’s governor suspended Uber’s ability to test its self-driving vehicles on roads throughout the state. Even though there was a safety driver in the vehicle, recent video shows that the driver may not have had eyes on the road at the time of the[…]

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    CPSC Sues Britax Over Dangerous Jogging Stroller

    The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has filed a lawsuit against Britax Child Safety, Inc. Specifcally for their Dangerous Jogging strollers, for their refusal to recall several models of their B.O.B. Jogging Stroller that have reportedly injured close to 100 individuals. A design defect reportedly causes the front wheel of the three-wheeled jogging[…]

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    Fewer OSHA Inspectors

    In order to investigate workplaces and ensure compliance with federal safety requirements that save lives, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) employs safety inspectors. In recent months the number of inspectors has declined, which puts workers at a high risk for preventable workplace injuries and fatalities that all too often result from safety failures.[…]

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    Workplace Overexertion Injuries

    Overexertion injuries in the workplace often result in various strains and sprains, accounting for a large number of workers’ compensation claims and individuals who need time off from work. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and National Safety Council (NSC) report that not only are these injuries costly, but they’re also largely preventable. The NSC[…]

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    PA: Opioids for Workers Out on Comp

    The Workers’ Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) recently confirmed that the second-highest amount of opioid prescriptions prescribed to workers who are out on compensation claims is in the state of Pennsylvania. The rate of opioids prescribed in Pennsylvania per Workers’ Compensation claim is 87% higher than the median state, indicating that overprescribing these addictive and dangerous[…]

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