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  • Contraindicated: The FDA and Kids’ Medicines

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants everyone – doctors, parents, caregivers and the general public – to know that using codeine and tramadol can both result in fatal consequences for kids. Because of how dangerous the two drugs can be, the administration now requires that certain information be added to the labels of the[…]

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    Pennsylvania Suspends Installation of Guardrails

    Pennsylvania is the latest state in the nation to suspend installation of X-Lite Guardrail End Terminals from all state roads and highways. New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Colorado, Delaware, and Vermont are among the 11 states across the country that plan to remove these guardrails after they have been implicated in 13 fatal car accidents[…]

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    Cancer and E-Cigs

    When e-cigarettes first started becoming popular, most people thought that they had to be safer than traditional tobacco cigarettes. Although there is much more for scientists to learn about these relatively new products, numerous studies indicate that “e-cigs” aren’t safe at all. Vaping has become popular amongst adolescents as well as adults – but does[…]

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    Consequences of Dangerous Equipment

    A New York City sanitation worker’s arm got sucked into a street cleaning machine as he was working recently. The man, who’s also a drummer, said the first thing that went through his mind was whether or not he’d ever be able to play music again. Although he’s worked as a street sweeper for more[…]

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    Alka-Seltzer Products Recalled

    The manufacturer of Alka-Seltzer Plus products has initiated a voluntary recall of its product intended to treat flu and cold symptoms because of an issue with mislabeling. Due to this labeling mismatch, consumers who take the Alka-Seltzer Plus products may unintentionally ingest ingredients that they shouldn’t – especially those who have particular medication allergies. Although[…]

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