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  • OSHA’s “Fatal Four”

    Nearly 6.5 million individuals are employed across more than 250,000 jobs in construction. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), construction is one of the deadliest industries for workers. The administration has found that workers face the most severe risks from what it calls the  OSHA’s “Fatal Four”, or: Fall hazards; Electrical hazards;[…]

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    Supreme Court Issues Guardrail Ruling

    The Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued a ruling determining that the PA Department of Transportation – more commonly known as PennDOT – is liable for defective and dangerous guardrails installed on major commuter roadways across the state. In 2015, a husband and wife lost control of their vehicle on a snow-covered and icy roadway in Beaver[…]

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    Fatal Workplace Falls

    According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), one of the most frequently cited safety failures in the construction industry is fall protection. The reality is that falls account for approximately one-third of all construction fatalities, which indicates a serious need for a safety overhaul and increased enforcement. Workers should never have to fear[…]

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    20,000 Fidget Spinners Recalled

    Even though fidget spinners remain popular, several different product models have been recalled in the last few years. Most recently the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) released a recall of 20,000 fidget spinner key chains. The commission launched the recall due because of a defect that creates choking hazards for consumers – especially children, who[…]

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    Laundry Pod Hazards

    It probably comes as no surprise that laundry pods – which are filled with liquid laundry detergent – are extremely hazardous when ingested – but the surprising news may be that accidental ingestion occurs most commonly in older, cognitively impaired individuals, such as people with dementia. Children of senior citizens and caregivers (as well as[…]

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