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  • Safety Issues in 2018

    The top safety concerns for 2018 were recently posted on, an advocacy group dedicated to researching and sharing important news and updates on product safety affecting the public. While we are still in the beginning of 2018, there are already a host of safety concerns on the horizon. According to this advocacy group, Kobe[…]

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    “Digital Eyestrain” or Computer Vision Syndrome

    The American Optometric Association (AOA) reports that computer vision syndrome – also referred to as “digital eyestrain” – causes an array of potentially painful and uncomfortable medical complications for the average American. Because of how much time so many individuals spend on computers, typically due to a combination of work requirements as well as personal[…]

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    “Struck-By” Work Accidents

    One of the leading causes of death in the workplace is when a person gets struck-by an object such as some sort of heavy machinery, equipment or vehicle, falling debris or a flying object (e.g. tools and particles). The Center for Construction Research and Training, also known as the CPWR, reports that there are several[…]

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    Protecting Senior Citizens from Injury-Causing Falls

    According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries in individuals over the age of 65. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that more than 1 in 4 Americans age 65 or older fall every year. There are many steps that individuals[…]

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    Teenagers and Reckless Driving

    Safe Kids Worldwide (SKW), a nonprofit organization consisting of more than 400 coalitions across the country, knows that we all need to do more to keep teenage drivers safe. Every day, at least six teens die after being in automobile accidents. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for adolescents between the ages[…]

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