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  • Tool Safety for Workers

    Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for the primary purpose of maintaining the health and safety from recognizable hazards for every worker across the United States. Supervisors are individuals who oversee the safety of workplaces as well as the physical welfare of workers. As such, supervisors are an important line of defense against debilitating injuries that workers often sustain as a result of unsafe or inadequately maintained tools and/or equipment in the workplace.

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    Temperature and Work Injuries

    Did you know that more than 4,000 workers file injury claims every year as a result of temperature-related injuries and illnesses that they sustain? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that bakers, outdoor workers, fishermen, meat packers, recreation/event staff, landscapers and roadway workers are at the highest risk for getting sick or injured[…]

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    The Dangers of Being Distracted at Work

    It should come as no surprise that not only is distracted driving grossly unsafe, but so is being distracted in the workplace – especially for individuals employed in certain industries known for being hazardous. Although most people know that distracted driving causes thousands of injuries and fatalities every year, they may be unaware of just[…]

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    Uber and Lyft Accidents

    Many people find Uber and Lyft services a convenience, calling for rides to and from social engagements, traveling to the airport, or for services like taking an elderly relative to a doctor appointment. As more Uber and Lyft vehicles are on the road, the chance of being injured in a car accident in one of[…]

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    Pros and Cons of Pennsylvania Driving Age

    Obtaining a driver’s license is a right of passage for a teenager, but statistics show that teens may not be ready to handle the responsibilities that come with a driver’s license. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety claims that drivers between the ages of 15 and 19 are at the highest risk of getting into[…]

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