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  • Deadly – and Often Unseen – Hazards: Combustible Dust in the Workplace

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) wants employers – and workers – to know just how dangerous combustible dust is, and how it can result in explosions and flash fires in the workplace. Because it is the legal responsibility of employers to maintain a safe working atmosphere for every worker, taking precautionary measures to[…]

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    Holiday Truck Accidents

    With the popularity of online holiday shopping increasing each year, you may assume that traffic accidents and fatalities decrease. It is quite the opposite. In fact, trucking accidents increase as much as 10 percent during the holiday season as weary and fatigued drivers work tirelessly to deliver online purchases ahead of the holiday. The following[…]

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    Report Shows Car Seat Safety on the Decline – Do you Know the Common Mistakes?            

    A recent report shows that parents and caregivers are prone to becoming less strict with proper car seat use when their children grow older, and that approximately one-third of all children ages 8 to 12 are allowed to sit in the front seat of cars. Misusing car and booster seats and permitting children who do[…]

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    What the New Blood Pressure Guidelines Mean for Millions of Americans       

    When it comes to blood pressure levels, people have long been told that aiming for anything below 140/90 is sufficient for avoiding hypertension, or high blood pressure. However, the American Heart Association (AHA) has joined with the American College of Cardiology (ACC) for the first time in 14 years to release new blood pressure guidelines,[…]

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    Most Dangerous Toys of 2017

    The holidays are approaching, and parents will be on the lookout for this year’s hottest toys. Before deciding what gifts to give, however, they should consider toy safety. Defective toys can have hidden dangers for kids and may have resulted in numerous recalls in the past year. World Against Toys Causing Harm, Inc. (WATCH) recently[…]

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