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  • Kids Safety: Pillow and Suffocation Dangers                    

    The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is urging parents and caregivers to remember that their little ones face serious suffocation and SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) dangers in bed, and that they need to take various safety precautions with blankets, quilts and pillows. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), accidental strangulation[…]

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    Nearly 40 Million Defective Fire Extinguishers Recalled by Kidde

    At least one person has died, 16 have been injured and another 91 have reported product damages resulting from defective and dangerous fire extinguishers manufactured by the Kidde group. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is calling for the immediate recall of 37.8 million fire extinguishers with plastic handles and push-buttons due to a lethal[…]

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    Health Alert: Just One E-Cigarette Changes Adrenaline Levels

    The Journal of the American Heart Association Report recently published data that warns nonsmokers of the serious hazards of smoking just one electronic cigarette that contains nicotine. According to the small-scale but telling study, healthy nonsmokers experience increased levels of adrenaline in their heart after smoking one e-cig, indicating there are immediate – and damaging[…]

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    Misdiagnosis Leads to Unnecessary Removal of Breasts and Uterus

    A 36-year-old woman from Oregon recently underwent radical surgery to remove her uterus, ovaries, and both of her breasts after being told she tested positive for the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 gene mutation. The mutation is linked to an increased risk of uterine, ovarian, and breast cancer. Unfortunately, the woman later discovered that her[…]

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    Kids Safety: New Bouncer Seat Standards

    The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently approved a new federal standard for infant bouncer seats in order to limit the number of injuries and deaths that occur as a result of unsafe manufacturing or design. Infant bouncer seats may create serious dangers for kids. The CPSC received 347 reports of incidents involving infant bouncer[…]

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