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  • Parking Lot Safety During the Holiday Season

    As holiday shoppers eagerly head to the malls and shopping centers in search of the perfect gift, many are unaware of the dangers they may face. The parking lots of many retail establishments are high-risk areas for injury, crime, and even fatality. During the prime holiday shopping season that extends from late November into early[…]

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    Over One Million Americans Get Sepsis Every Year: What Can We Do About It?

    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) report that more than one million Americans develop sepsis every year, and that anywhere from 15 to 30% of them die as a result. Sadly, the number of people who get sepsis is growing, and the NIH expects this number to continue rising in the future. Why are more[…]

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    Nursing Home Abuse Largely Underreported

    According to a report compiled by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) through the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), over one-third of nursing home abuse cases fail to be reported to law enforcement agencies. As a result, vulnerable patients who should be receiving comprehensive care continue to be put at risk for[…]

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    Kids With Allergies: Schools and Staff Are Often Unprepared

    A new study has found that when a child has a severe allergic reaction at school, he or she may receive medication from an untrained staff member instead of a school nurse. Because schools sometimes fail to have nurses available, administrators need to ensure that training is provided to staff members as well as students[…]

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    The Real Risk of Children and Young Adults Falling out of Windows

    The parents of an 18-year-old student are demanding more stringent safety measures in colleges across the United States after their son suffered serious injuries from accidentally falling out of his second-story dormitory window at Washington State University (WSU). Younger children also face serious risks of falling: according to Safe Kids Worldwide (SKW), 3,300 children under[…]

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