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  • Consumer Safety Alert: Playtex Recalls Millions of Products

    The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has recalled over 3.6 million children’s products manufactured by Playtex. The children’s bowls and plates have been recalled because of a defect that creates a dangerous choking hazard. The products come in a variety of designs and styles; some of the plates and bowls were sold together and others[…]

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    Are Loft Beds Safe? Study Says No

    Loft beds, also commonly known as bunk beds, are popular among families and are installed in college dorms, military academies, fraternities and sororities across the country. However, data and reports consistently show that loft beds can be inherently dangerous for kids as well as young adults. According to a study conducted by the Nationwide Children’s[…]

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    Top Ten OSHA Safety Violations

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently announced its top ten list of safety violations at the annual National Safety Council Congress & Expo.  More than 15,000 safety, health, and environmental officials from around the world attended the conference that focused on improving workplace safety. OSHA’s Top Ten List Fall Protection: (6,072 violations) Falls[…]

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    Health Alert: Even if You Don’t Smoke, You May still be at Risk for Lung Cancer

    Lung cancer is the second most common type of cancer for men and women. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), approximately 14% of all new cancers every year are either small cell or non-small cell lung cancers – and the ACS estimates that this year, lung cancers will take the lives of nearly 156,000[…]

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    National Fire Protection Association: The Hazards College Dorm Students Face

    According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), fire departments across the United States respond to an average of 11 college campuses for reports of dormitory fires every day. Although college is an exciting experience for older adolescents who are learning to take on more responsibilities as they transition into young adulthood, it is important[…]

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