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  • Accidental Poisoning

    Too Many Kids Treated in ERs Annually   According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 300 children go to emergency rooms every day as a result of unintentional poisoning – and 2 of those children will die as a consequence of that fatal mistake. In order to decrease the number[…]

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    Drug Deaths Rapidly Increasing in Rural America

    A newly published study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine documents how rural America is experiencing a sharp increase in drug-related deaths. The study also found that since 1999, drug-related fatalities in the whole of the United States have gone up by a startling 300%. With so many people losing family members to drug[…]

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    iPhone Cases Recalled

    Recall for Inflicting Chemical Burns on Consumers   Over 260,000 liquid iPhone cases are on a Fast Track Recall after inflicting serious and permanent chemical burns on consumers. So far, consumers have reported a total of 24 incidents of skin irritation and burns– and 19 of those injuries were caused in the United States. Chemical[…]

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    Trampoline Injuries Steadily Rising for Kids                   

    Every year, the number of children injured while using trampolines rises, with researchers believing it is largely due to the increasing popularity of trampoline parks. The most common types of trampoline-related injuries include sprains, strains, broken bones requiring surgical repair, concussions and other head injuries, cuts, scrapes, bruises and neck injuries leading to paralysis. In[…]

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    Microwave Oven Safety Tips                    

    Appliance Magazine, which monitors how many total units ship throughout the U.S., estimates that more than 12 million microwave ovens will be sold across the country this year. As a matter of public health and safety, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees the manufacturing of microwave ovens and establishes federal safety requirements. One of[…]

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