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  • Brain Injuries on Construction Sites

    Construction sites are full of hazards that can put workers, visitors, or even passersby at risk of serious injury. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that the rate of fatal injuries on construction sites exceeds the national average. While many people may associate broken limbs or back injuries with construction, construction workers are[…]

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    Fewer Older People Hospitalized After Receiving Influenza Vaccine

    The influenza vaccine might be getting increasingly more important. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are recommending that anyone 65 years and older get their influenza vaccine – or flu shot – to decrease the likelihood of becoming ill this upcoming flu season. The flu is particularly dangerous for people over 65. The[…]

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    Polaris Recalls Its 9th Vehicle in Six Months Due to Consumer Dangers

    Vehicle manufacturing company Polaris recently made national news after recalling its eighth vehicle over just a five-month period. Shockingly, Polaris is now recalling its ninth vehicle in six months due to consumer hazards. In the past two years alone, Polaris has complied with over ten product recalls because of dangerous defects, many of which resulted[…]

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    Lightning Safety for Outdoor Workers

    According to the National Weather Service (NWS), lightning strikes over 25 million times in the U.S. every year. On average 300 people are struck by lightning annually, killing 40-50 and injuring dozens more. Employers are responsible for protecting their workers from lightning exposure and take other important safety precautions to lower the chances of these[…]

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    National Safety Council: Tips for Safe Workplaces

    The National Safety Council (NSC) recently partnered with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to prevent injury-causing and fatal work injuries. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported in its 2014 census that nearly 5,000 workers were killed while on the job. The OSHA-NSC Alliance aims to implement different safety training programs in order[…]

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