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  • Some Eclipse Viewing Glasses Can Cause Eye Injuries

    According to a recent report from CCN Money, consumers who purchased certain types of eclipse-viewing protective glasses may be at an increased risk for serious eye injuries. Since the solar eclipse is set to occur on August 21st, Amazon has launched a widespread preventive recall of many eclipse-viewing glasses, hopeful that consumers can be made[…]

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    Women’s Health Alert

    High Fat Diet During Pregnancy May Increase Cancer Risks   A recent health study published important medical results: data showing female mice that eat a high fat diet during pregnancy are at a “substantially” higher risk of breast cancer. The findings have piqued the interest of the medical community, with many researchers calling on the[…]

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    Cell Phone Technology Changing to Save Lives

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 9 people die each day in car accidents as a result of being distracted. In order to inhibit distractions for drivers, both iPhone and Android have come up with updates and applications that are meant to save people’s lives by stopping them from using their[…]

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