A group of teen drivers were able to experience first-hand what can happen when texting while driving. A Teen Safe Driving Summit was held […]
Memorial Day weekend is one of our nation’s busiest travel holidays. AAA Travel is predicting that this year’s summer kick-off weekend will be the busiest […]
By Michael Malvey, Esq. The general rule in Pennsylvania is for any case arising from a personal injury claim involving injuries to an adult is that the injured party has two years to file a law suit against any individuals or companies that they believe are responsible for their accident. There are a few exceptions[…]
US Cities are increasingly adopting an approach to traffic accidents, originally developed by engineers and safety experts at the Swedish Transportation Administration in 1997 called, “Vision Zero.” The aim is to reduce deaths and life changing injuries from traffic accidents to zero through a combination of engineering, education and increased traffic law enforcement. Cities like[…]
The Pennsylvania Driving Under the Influence Association (PA DUI) is working hard to keep drunk drivers off of Pennsylvania’s roadways. For over […]