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  • Category: Car Accident

    Why is Distracted Driving in Work Zones Dangerous?

    According to recent statistics, distracted driving accidents cause approximately 3,500 fatalities and over 365,000 injuries in this country each year. Talking or texting on the phone, reaching for something in the backseat, and interacting with other passengers in the car are common causes of distracted driving accidents. While these accidents are dangerous, and potentially fatal[…]

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    What Steps Should I Take to Prepare My Car for Winter?

    Winter officially begins on December 21, but certain parts of the country are already experiencing freezing temperatures, as well as snow, ice, and freezing rain. Driving during these extreme weather conditions can be treacherous, particularly if a motorist has not taken the necessary steps to prepare their vehicle for winter. Drivers who have not already[…]

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    Does Daylight Saving Time Increase the Risk of Nighttime Car Accidents?

    On Sunday, November 1, parts of the United States will turn the clocks back an hour as Daylight Savings Time comes to an end. Commuters who leave work after 5:00 p.m. may be driving home in the dark. While the extra hour of sleep is a bonus, it can disrupt regular sleep patterns, which can[…]

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    What are Helpful Safety Tips for Driving During the Fall Season?

    Studies indicate that most adults in the United States spend eight to 10 hours a week behind the wheel. Motorists who are accustomed to driving may not pause to think about hazards that crop up as seasons change. When summer turns to fall, there are many things that drivers should consider before they go out[…]

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    How a Delayed Medical Diagnosis can Affect your Legal Claim

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 3 million Americans sustain nonfatal injuries in car crashes every year. When someone’s injuries are the result of another person’s negligence, the injured party may file a personal injury claim to cover the damages sustained in the accident. However, there is one problem:[…]

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