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  • Category: Car Accident

    April: Distracted Driving Month

    Did you know that April marks Distracted Driving Awareness Month? At least 9 people die in accidents that involve distracted driving every day – and an average of 100 others sustain injuries that range from mild to severe. A variety of activities and behaviors can distract drivers behind the wheel, but every single one is[…]

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    Two-Thirds of Philly Drivers Use Their Phones in Cars

    Despite knowing how dangerous it is to use mobile phones while driving, a recent survey shows that two-thirds of Philly drivers admit doing it when they should be focusing on the road. Researchers assert that smartphones – and their apps for music, navigation, and so much more – have made it even more difficult for[…]

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    Teenagers and Reckless Driving

    Safe Kids Worldwide (SKW), a nonprofit organization consisting of more than 400 coalitions across the country, knows that we all need to do more to keep teenage drivers safe. Every day, at least six teens die after being in automobile accidents. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for adolescents between the ages[…]

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    Liability with Self-Driving Cars

    When a car accident is caused by a driver’s negligent behavior, they can be held liable for any injuries that occur. As self-driving cars have transitioned from fantasy to reality, however, many are asking who is responsible when a crash occurs. These autonomous vehicles are a remarkable technological advancement, but they have also created a[…]

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    Traffic Signal Countdown Timers

    In a recent study conducted by Oregon State University, traffic signal countdown timers—known as TSCTs—were shown to improve driver decision-making and traffic safety, reducing the chances of a car accident. Using a driver simulator, the OSU team of researchers studied 55 drivers in 1,100 intersection situations. Half of the drivers in the study used a[…]

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