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  • Category: Car Accident

    Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers: Night Shift Workers at Risk of Drowsy Driving

    Drowsy driving is a real public hazard. When drivers get behind the wheel after working a full night shift, the likelihood of getting into a car accident increases significantly, putting themselves and other drivers at risk of serious injuries. A study conducted by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) found that 37.5% of drivers in[…]

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    Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers Remind Drivers to Travel Safely this Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel days of the year, which means busy highways, people rushing to get where they want to go and drivers who may be drowsy or intoxicated after their Thanksgiving meal. Rain or snow can cause hazardous driving conditions and heavy traffic can leave drivers feeling anxious and stressed. While[…]

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    Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers Encouraged by New Innovations to Prevent Drunk Driving

    While law enforcement and state lawmakers are continuously enacting various types of crackdowns on drunk driving, some motorists still drive under the influence and often cause devastating car accidents. In an attempt to combat this continuing problem, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has partnered with a consortium to create the Driver Alcohol Detection[…]

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    Limitations of Driver Assistance Technologies

    While new driver assistance technologies like blind spot monitoring or lane departure warning systems can improve driving safety and potentially reduce the risk of a car accident, the technologies have some blind spots themselves. AAA tested these systems to determine their performance and found several flaws. The problems included delayed warnings and failing to track[…]

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    Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyers Warn of Increased Accident Risk during Winter Storms

    Winter weather is expected to impact the Philadelphia area this week.  Snow, sleet, and ice may make it difficult and dangerous to get around.  Philadelphia winter storms are often followed by a brief thawing and then refreezing which creates icy roads, sidewalks, and parking lots if they are not properly treated.  Black ice, which forms[…]

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