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  • Category: Car Accident

    The High Costs of Car Accident Injuries

    The costs incurred by car accident injuries in the United States are staggering. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the collective lifetime medical cost of crash injuries to Americans is estimated to be $18.4 billion dollars. The lifetime cost of loss-of-work is even higher, estimated to be $32.9 billion dollars. Each[…]

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    Who Pays for Damages in Work-Related Car Accidents?

    Driving is a significant part of the job for many workers. Workers’ Compensation typically pays for damages, such as medical expenses and lost wages when employees get into work-related car accidents. However, injured workers may also be able to sue third parties who are found to be liable for damages stemming from their injuries. An[…]

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    Teen Drivers: 100 Deadliest Days of Summer

    According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day marks what the association calls the “100 deadliest days of summer” for teen drivers. Automobile collisions are already a leading cause of death for adolescents, but the AAA estimates that approximately 30% of annual crashes that involve teens from the[…]

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    What Should I Do if I am in an Accident on Vacation?

    Families across the United States are eager to get on the road this summer and go on vacation after more than a year of pandemic restrictions. The increase in vehicular traffic also means a greater chance of getting into a car accident on vacation. Here are some tips for vacationers regarding what to do in[…]

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    What Should I Know About Car Accident Evidence?

    If someone is injured in a car accident, the degree to which they are found to be at fault may affect the amount of damages they can legally claim to pay for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering for any personal injuries. Determination of fault often hinges on evidence collected at the scene.[…]

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