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  • Category: Medical Malpractice

    How are Opioids Affecting the American Workforce?

    Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determined that the U.S. life expectancy has gone down due to the growing amount of opioid-related fatalities. After analyzing the CDC’s data, the Washington Post documented an 8% increase in death rates for individuals between the ages of 25 and 44. More than 52,000 people[…]

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    “Doctor Burnout Syndrome” Puts Patients at Risk

    A recently published study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine found that more than half of all medical providers report that they experience burnout, a condition that can be extremely dangerous to patient health. Since medical errors kill over 250,000 Americans each year and are the third-leading cause of death in the country, the[…]

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    The Top Five Health Threats Women Face

    Certain diseases and conditions are more likely to affect women than men. According to medical research, there are five main threats to women’s health. The good news is most of them are preventable or treatable through early detection. The more informed women are about the health risks they face the more precautions they will be[…]

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    Maternal Deaths: Post-Birth Preeclampsia and Others

    Somewhere between 700-900 women die in the U.S. each year from childbirth or pregnancy-related causes. In fact, women in this country are at three-times the risk for dying during the “maternal period” (from the start of pregnancy to one year after giving birth) as those in Canada are. The number of women who die from[…]

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    Pennsylvania Tracks Medical Errors

    Medical errors harmed over 7,000 patients in Pennsylvania hospitals and emergency rooms in 2016, resulting in the deaths of 218 patients. According to a report published in the BMJ, formerly British Medical Journal, medical errors are the third leading cause of fatalities in our country.  When a medical error harms a patient, the patient may[…]

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