September marks Baby Safety Month, an annual campaign sponsored by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). The campaign aims to educate parents and caregivers on safely choosing age-appropriate products for kids, and also brings light to a variety of hidden hazards. Injury and Accident Data According to a study from the Nationwide Center for Injury[…]
Countries across the globe have been calling on Allergan to recall many of its textured breast implant products, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently followed suit. Allergan, a Dublin-based manufacturing company, issued a worldwide recall for some of its textured saline and silicone-filled implants, as well as models of tissue expanding products[…]
Crane equipment, including tower cranes, mobile cranes, service truck cranes, telescopic trains, and boom trucks can be found at almost any construction site. Construction accidents involving defective or negligently operated cranes can result in serious physical injuries and even death. Each year, approximately 45 individuals lose their lives in crane accidents. Many more are injured.[…]
New federal safety standards created by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently came into effect. The standards aim to improve high chair safety for children, which is particularly important because far too many preventable injuries occur. High chairs come in a variety of styles and different models, but without adequate safety standards in place,[…]
Determining who to blame for an accident involving a self-driving car can be a challenge. It remains unclear in many states who should be held responsible when an autonomous car malfunctions or crashes. Should it be the vehicle’s owner or operator? Or should the manufacturer of the technology making self-driving cars possibly share the blame?[…]