If your work causes any injury, illness or disease, you are entitled to Workers’ Compensation. This is true regardless of your previous condition. For example, if you had a heart attack or open heart surgery and your job causes you to sustain another heart attack or disabling chest pain, you are entitled to receive Workers’ Compensation benefits. If your job contributed to or aggravated your disability, you are entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits, regardless of your previous condition. This is also true for back injuries, neck injuries or for any other condition that you had prior to your work related injury. If your job aggravated the condition causing your disability, you are entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits. Do not let your employer tell you that you are not entitled to Workers’ Compensation just because you had a prior back problem, or prior heart problems, or prior lung problems. This simply is not true. The law is opposite. You have a right to Workers’ Compensation regardless of your prior condition.
Accidental injury is a simple event. It is easy to understand, and the effects are felt immediately. Disease and illness, however, often result from working conditions, but the way they develop may be complex and not well understood. Many workers are exposed to different chemicals, solvents, fumes, dirt, dust and other health hazards at work. These agents can cause various diseases and illnesses and, in some cases, even can result in death. If your disease or illness was caused, in whole or in part, by your job, you are entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits. If you suspect that your injury, illness or disease is caused, in whole or in part, by your job, discuss this with your doctor. Explain why you think your job is causing your physical problems. If your doctor agrees that your job is the cause of your trouble – or if you know it is – then you must tell or give notice to your employer. Notice means letting your employer know you have a disease or illness and the disease or illness was caused by the job.